Caught unawares lover monument in Tomsk

Caught unawares lover monument in Tomsk. Originally, the monument by famous sculptor Oleg Kislitsky decorated the building of the House of Unions. As you can see, the subject of the composition is simple. A fat man in a vast “family” shorts, with his last strength holding on to the balcony of his beloved. The funny sculpture literally embodied the numerous anecdotes about suddenly returned from a trip husband and lover. The “frivolous” sculpture for a long time could not find a permanent “residence” and “wandered” from one building to another, delighting residents. Now the monument decorates the facade of the Tomsk regional museum of history.
However, those who hope to enjoy luxury with a dashing handsome and a bouquet of roses in hand, will be disappointed. Monument is quite prosaic and much closer to the realities of contemporary life than the bust of a Casanova and Lord Byron. By the way, the color of his pants changes from time to time, and again, to the delight of passers-by.
Caught unawares lover monument in Tomsk

People, commenting the funny monument on social sites, write “Only a man could come up with such a monument. His exploits must be preserved. The museum workers carefully change his “clothes”, and now he is wearing bright Polka dots yellow pants.
Originally, the monument was “hanging” on Lenin Street, the building of the House of Trade Unions, but then Tomsk authorities decided to clean it out of sight, guided by the traditional principle – “away from the eyes of visiting the capital’s officials, just in case.” And some of the commentators even demand to return the monument to the original place.