Tupolev Tu-104 monument in Rybinsk

Every day, the locals of the Jester Mountain district (in Russian – “Skomorokhova gora”), which is in Rybinsk of Yaroslav region, pass by the real aircraft mounted on a usual street, not far from the railway station. They get accustomed to this monument so much, that it has become an integral part of the urban environment. In other words, no one pays attention to Tupolev Tu-104 monument in Rybinsk. It has long been gone from the memory – where the plane originated, how and when it appeared in the middle of the city. When it was installed, whose idea it was to put the aircraft in this place and why? And what was its fate before the eternal parking?
Tupolev Tu-104 monument in Rybinsk

Located in the yard, one of the most interesting tourist sites of Rybinsk Tu-104 monument looks very impressive from the road. You walk down the street – and suddenly among the houses – the cabin of the aircraft! A few more steps – and a whole airship as if taking off from the yard!
Tupolev Tu-104 – the world’s first successful jet airliner built in the Soviet Union, came into service in 1956. In 1958 at the World Exhibition in Brussels, the aircraft was awarded the gold medal.
At a special plane Tu-104 were simulated weightlessness conditions for pilots of the first cosmonaut crew. At the Tu-104 were set 26 world records, committed a number of famous flights. The plane was operated by foreign airlines. Built over 200 copies. Decommissioned in 1980.
In 1980s the aircraft was established in the city of Rybinsk as a sign of respect to Rybinsk engine builders. Some years there were guided tours, but now the aircraft is closed to the public. Moreover, it is not an ordinary pedestal, but a building, inside of which is a children’s school of boxing, “The Ring.”

source: vk.com/yar_city