Hungarian monument to eternal love Jeno Bory castle

Hungarian monument to eternal love Jeno Bory castle
Located near Budapest in Székesfehérvár, this castle is the architectural embodiment of the love of Jeno Bory to the beautiful Ilona. Everything in the castle is dedicated to her. On the walls – the words of love, in the halls – portraits and sculptures of Ilona. Noteworthy, Ilona and Yeno have lived together for 50 years.
Hungarian architect and sculptor Jeno Bory (9 November 1879, Szekesfehervar – 20 December 1959, Szekesfehervar) promised his beloved wife to build a castle for her, in which their life together would resemble a fairy tale. And since Bory was an architect and sculptor, he kept his promis. In fact, for the construction of the castle, Bory spent almost 40 years.
All stages of building Bori carried through with his hands. Only occasionally he resorted to the services of others. However, the construction took place only on weekends, and therefore it took a considerable amount of time to create this masterpiece. In this castle, Bory was able to combine different architectural styles: Gothic, Romanesque and Renaissance. Any of the elements of the castle: galleries and arches, spiral staircases, columns and domes, filled with images of Boris’s wife – Ilona, who was a real beauty. Here you can see portraits and sculptures of Ilona, as well as carved verses in her honor.
In a happy marriage with his wife, Bory lived for 50 years. He died 15 years before his beloved. Currently, this castle is a private museum, restored in 1980 thanks to the grandsons of Bory. Currently, the newlyweds come to the castle, believing that life started in a fairy tale will necessarily be with a happy ending.
Székesfehérvar is still today called the “city of kings”. It was here that they kept the crown and coronation accessories, and kept the state archives. Here swore allegiance to the rulers, crowned and buried the rulers. Winding streets and small squares, cathedrals, cozy mansions, and shops. All built in the standard styles of the time – Baroque, Rococo, Neoclassicism – show that even today Szekesfehervar can rightly be called the capital of Hungary. However, the fairy-tale castle of Bory is a special delight of tourists. The author worked on his project almost all his life. More than 40 years he nurtured and daily realized the idea of building a real temple of love in honor of his beautiful wife Ilona.
Very romantic place, although at first glance the whole building seems a bit heavy (after all, in the construction used reinforced concrete). Marvelous sculptures, countless in the castle, and many of them depict Ilona. In addition, there are many pictures by Ilona, who was an artist. Surprisingly, over 40 years in parallel construction, architect Bory created a huge number of sculptures, thanks to the sale of which he could continue to build the castle. Besides, in one part of the castle (closed for visiting) live the great-grandsons of the sculptor and his wife. They also sell admission tickets. Usually the museum runs until 5 pm.
Bory, after having received the degree in building engineering in Budapest in 1903, entered the Academy of Fine Arts to study sculpture. At this time he met his wife, beautiful Ilona Komocsin (1885-1974). She became a painter after graduating from the Academy. During World War I Bory was an official war artist in Sarajevo, later awarded Order of Franz Josef. He taught at the Academy of Fine Arts (1911–1946) and at the Technical University (1921–1944). Besides, he was rector of the Academy between 1943 and 1945.
Hungarian monument to eternal love Jeno Bory castle
