Monument of Family love and fidelity in Mytishchi

In Mytishchi, near Moscow, on the banks of the Yauza, opposite the local Park of Culture and Leisure, there is a monument to the holy prince of Murom Peter and his wife, the holy princess Fevronia. Or another name for the monument is the Monument of Family, Love and Fidelity in Mytishchi. The Mytishchi work of local sculptors Alexander Goryunov and Denis Solovyov resembles a bell.

In the lower part of the monument, one depicts Peter and Fevronia themselves.
On the other hand, there is a small text about the saints, who in Russia were considered the ideal of matrimony.
In the upper part of the monument, we see a composition of male and female hands that strive to connect.

Some facts about the Monument of Family love and fidelity
So that numerous newlyweds and just couples would not hang their locks on the monument, a special iron “tree of fidelity” was placed next to Peter and Fevronia.
Another feature of the monument is that there is already a place on it in advance where you can “put your hands” there are palm prints on both sides of the text about the saints. This was done, apparently, so that citizens would not rub the monument in other places.