
Sculpture Drawing Girl in St. Petersburg

Sculpture Drawing Girl in St. Petersburg
Sculpture Drawing Girl in St. Petersburg

In the Alexander Park of St. Petersburg, several sculptures are collected, united in the common theme of childhood and youth. One of the most remarkable, in my opinion, is the sculpture known as the “drawing girl”, although it should be called differently (more on that below).

Its author is E.A. Gendelman, the time of creation (judging by the inscription) is 1972.

Efim Aronovich Gendelman (1914-1982) – Soviet sculptor and artist. The heyday of his work fell on the period from 1955 to 1967, when he worked at the Leningrad Porcelain Factory (before nationalization in 1918 – the Imperial Porcelain Factory). Then he made a lot of elegant porcelain figurines, which were produced by the factory in large numbers.

Monument in winter.
Monument in winter.

In 1957, he created the figurine “On a Study”, which was awarded a 2nd degree diploma at the All-Union Art Exhibition of Folk Applied and Decorative Arts in 1958.

Apparently, this figurine served as a prototype for the creation of a full-sized bronze sculpture.

Many sources indicate that the authorship of Gendelman belongs to another sculpture installed in the Alexander Park – “Girl tying a scarf.” In fact, its author is Valentina Rybalko. I bring her and several other sculptures in the photo gallery.