Monument to a smile in Kemerovo

A monument to a smile that depicts a good-natured baby elephant with a snail is located on the Pritomskaya embankment in Kemerovo. Another name for the monument is “From a smile …”. Near the bench stands an elephant, smiling in full mouth, on the trunk of which there is a small snail.

The sculpture appeared here on October 1, 2009 – the day when the International Smile Day is celebrated. Its author is a member of the Union of Artists of the Russian Federation V.S. Lysenko. The idea of its installation belongs to the management of the local network of dental clinics “Ulybka” with the support of the city council for external design. We must pay tribute to the creativity of dentists – having done a good deed, in addition, they advertised themselves well.

The composition is based on the 1974 cartoon “Baby Raccoon”, or rather the song that sounded there, written by Vladimir Shainsky, or more precisely, the words of this song by Mikhail Plyatskovsky: “A smile will make everyone brighter, and the elephant and even the little snail …”. These are the elephant with the snail and are depicted on the sculpture.