Jesus Christ the King monument

Jesus Christ the King monument is the world’s largest statue of Jesus Christ, established in the south-eastern outskirts of the city of Swiebodzin in Poland. The official opening and consecration took place on 21 November 2010. The total height of the monument about 52 m, which is higher than the monument of Cristo de la Concordia in Cochabamba (40.44 m with the pedestal) and the statue of Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro (39.6 m with the pedestal). The height of the statue with a crown is 36 m, and 16 m – height of stone-earthen hill. The height of the two other statues without pedestals of 34.2 m and 30 m. Thus, the statue of Christ is the highest in the world. The maximum width of the statue is about 25 m. The initiator of the construction of the monument was Canon Sylvester Zawadzki, the priest of the Temple of the Divine Mercy in Swiebodzin.

The construction was carried out for about two years. Installation and welding works were carried out by local firm “Tehspav” from Skompe of Lubuskie province. In December 2009, construction was suspended, as close to a monument passes high-voltage power line. In April 2010, permission was granted, and the construction was resumed. November 6, 2010 was completed installation of the head and crown of the monument.
Hollow monument made of reinforced concrete on the steel frame. Mass construction of 440 tons Installation was carried out in stages: first, was installed the body of the statue, then the shoulder girdle and the head with the crown.
Jesus Christ the King monument

The gilded crown of the statue has a size of 3.5 meters in diameter and about 3 m in height. The head of the monument has a height of 4.5 meters and weighs 15 tons. According to others, the head is made of hard plastic, rather than concrete as initially expected, so its weight has decreased threefold.
