Sculpture Murom kalach in Murom

On August 4, 2012, on the day of the celebration of the 1150th anniversary of Murom, a monument to the Murom Kalach appeared in this ancient city. The ceramic “kalach” was made at the expense of a private entrepreneur Ivan Zinoviev. The monument is heated from the inside, the temperature in it is kept constant at 35 degrees. There was an idea to install special sprayers so that the roll also smells like fresh bread.

In one of the winters, when removing the snow, the roll was badly damaged, so they had to “bake” it again.
Murom kalach (both a monument and a bakery product itself) is a symbol of Murom. The word “kalach” in Tatar literally means “be hungry!”, Which can be interpreted as “appetizing”. It was roughly baked in the 14th century. And in the 18th century, the kalach became not only a figurative, but also an actual symbol of Murom: the Empress Catherine II, who was staying here, tasted the local kalach, by her decree in 1781 ordered them to be placed on the city coat of arms.
There is an expression “grated kalach”, which is called an experienced, experienced person who has seen a lot in his life. The expression arose from the fact that during the preparation the dough for the roll was crushed (“rubbed”) on ice for a long time – “Do not rub, do not mint, there will be no roll!”. Thanks to this, the carbon dioxide contained in the dough did not evaporate, and the roll turned out to be porous and airy when baked.