Monuments glorifying mothers and motherhood
Monuments glorifying mothers and motherhood
The unique sculpture made of wood decorates the park-museum “The Governor’s Garden” in Yaroslavl. Meanwhile, the sculpture has a great meaning. Children are our roots, what remains on earth when parents go to heaven. No doubt, Mom is the most loving and devoted person in the world. She is sincerely happy for our successes, supports us in failures and worries for every step we take in life. We owe her our life, we share with her joys, anxieties and the most secret desires. Undoubtedly, Moms are the people who deserve monuments. So, let’s have a look at the small part of stunning sculptures dedicated to moms, which mostly appeared in Russia for the last decade.
The word “mother” sounds the same in different languages, it is one of the oldest and most important words on earth. A woman gives a new life, in her belly is growing a child who will be linked with her with invisible ties all her life. Indeed, mother is the most important person in our destiny. It is not surprising that the theme of motherhood inspires many poets, artists and sculptors. The image of mother and child inspires the creation of real masterpieces in art. In many parts of the world, appear many monuments and sculptural compositions dedicated to motherhood.
Monuments glorifying mothers and motherhood
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