Sculpture of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna

Sculpture of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna – the creation of Georgy Frangulyan
On the northern part of the Baltic Spit on the Pillau Peninsula, there is the westernmost city of Russia – Baltiysk. In this city, on the shores of the Baltic Sea, there is a monumental architectural ensemble “Elizabethan Fort”, made by the talented sculptor Georgy Vartanovich Frangulyan. The monument was opened in 2004, it is installed on a high pedestal. The bronze Sculpture of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna rises above the surrounding landscape.

Description of the monument
The face of Elizaveta Petrovna is turned towards European countries, and her hand points to Russia. She sits astride a horse, which symbolizes the power of the Russian army. The size of the monument is impressive. The total height is 14 meters, the height of the sculpture is 6.3 meters.
The horse’s hoof is raised above the ground, and the hind legs are slightly bent – this is a frightening sign for opponents. The mane and tail of a horse develop in the wind.
Elizaveta Petrovna is dressed in a dress-uniform, which was worn by colonels of the Life Guards of the Preobrazhensky regiment, a headdress – a three-cornered hat with brims turned up. The sculptor Georgy Frangulyan depicted the Empress riding a horse. It is historically known that the Empress was very fond of horseback riding and participated in solemn events on horseback.

From the history
During her reign, Elizaveta Petrovna won many victories. Many historians associate the beginning of the Age of Enlightenment in Russia with her reign; there were noticeable improvements in the development of science, education and culture. Gymnasiums appeared in the cities. The number of primary schools has increased. On account of Elizabeth Petrovna, large-scale victories in the wars – the Russian-Swedish and Seven Years Wars. In these wars, Russia restored its undermined authority in Europe. The monument in Baltiysk is dedicated to these victories.

In Moscow, on the territory of the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve, next to the reconstructed palace of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, on May 16, 2013, a reduced author’s copy of the monument to Elizaveta Petrovna, made in the city of Baltiysk, was installed. This monument was erected for a reason, it was here in the village of Kolomenskoye in 1709 that the youngest daughter of Peter I, Elizabeth, was born, who ascended the throne in 1741 and ruled the Russian Empire for 20 years.
A monument in Baltiysk and a mini-monument in Moscow to Georgy Frangulyan were installed as a reminder to the descendants of the great Russian Empress Elizabeth Petrovna.